Question: 1 / 155

What is defined as a "motor vehicle salesperson"?

A person who buys vehicles for resale

An individual who sells vehicles for a profit

An employee selling vehicles for a dealer

A "motor vehicle salesperson" is specifically defined as an employee who sells vehicles for a dealer. This classification is significant because it denotes an individual who operates under the dealership's license and adheres to the legal and regulatory obligations associated with that role. Such salespeople typically engage in sales activities directly related to a dealership, receive training and compliance oversight from the dealer, and often interact with customers within the structured environment of a dealership. This definition excludes individuals involved in other roles, such as those who might buy vehicles for resale or negotiate as private sellers. The focus on dealership employees establishes a clear distinction in the automotive sales industry, including unique responsibilities, standards, and regulatory knowledge that motor vehicle salespersons must uphold in their operations.

A private seller negotiating with buyers


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